Saturday, July 16, 1983 @ 5:30pm.......
"I, Carmen, take you, Felix, to be my husband. I promise to be
true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love
and honor you all the days of my life."
Now fast forward 30 years, Tuesday, July 16 @ 7:00am, our day started by my bringing my husband
breakfast in bed before I dashed off to drop off Zac at summer school and go to
work. I was not trying to be romantic,
no, I brought him breakfast due to the
fact that he has had a severe back ache and
a pulled muscle problem. Since Sunday he
has been laid up in bed, literally unable to walk. Unable to go to work. In extreme pain. These last three days I have had to help him go to the bathroom, get
his medicines, bring his meals up to him and help him shower and dress
Some hours later, In the afternoon
we found ourselves in the waiting room
of his doctor. We both looked at each
other. This was not what we had planned for today, or this week for that
matter. We smiled at each other. Such is
"I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness
and in health."
Looking back we have had many
mountain high moments and valley low moments. If we rely purely on our emotions,
our relationship would have been long over by now. However, thanks to those family and friends
who have been excellent examples to us, we have seen that rough times, sad times, and disappointing times are transition
points. We have learned to have patience
with what comes our way. We have seen
how God has been in the midst of every problem we have tried to solve together.
And when it seemed too tough, well, thankfully that was when friends and family stepped in closer,
loved us, prayed for us, and believed in us.
"I will love you and honor you all the days of my life"
.....yes, so as we sat for what seemed an eternity in the doctor's office waiting to be called
in, we celebrated our love in an unexpected way, we held hands and we smiled. We can't complain. Despite our pains and human frailties, we are
blessed! Happy Anniversary to my other
half....and may you heal soon!