Ignatian prayer

An Ignatian

Lord, teach me to be
Teach me to serve you as you deserve,
to give and not to count
the cost,
to fight and not to heed the wounds,
to toil and not to seek
to labor and not to ask for reward,
save that of knowing that I do
your will.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Zac's story of how he came into our world, as told by his toy worm.

I found this story that I wrote for his first birthday in this journal (see pic above) that I kept for the first year of Zac's life.
 Zac still has this toy worm...sits on his
clothes dresser now with other fluffy favorite animals that he loves.


Zachary’s story of how he came into our world, as told by his toy worm.

By: Your mommy, Carmen Cayon

Revised 2006, from the original written 2002.

I once was a regular kind of worm….colorful, small and soft enough for little hands to hold me.  I waited for those little hands on top of a tall, new, white dresser; waiting for March.  I knew that soon Zac would play with me!
            As we got close to March, Mommy put me in a bag, the one with all the essentials that a new baby would need. I nestled on the very top!
            That day arrived quickly. I was taken into a recovery room in the hospital.  I waited for your crib to be brought to us in that room.  I could hear the sounds of the wheels of the crib, as they scooted you into our lives on that Friday night, on March 9th.
We were in for a long night….you didn’t breathe too well.  Mommy and Daddy were up all night, the nurse said it was “normal”, so we didn’t worry.  You were up all night.  I watched you as you looked at your mommy’s face; she couldn’t stop looking at you either.  We just couldn’t believe how beautiful you were!

In the morning, Mommy put you and me back into the crib, as they wheeled you to be circumcised.  Later, they took us again to remove a small growth from your left hand.  I didn’t realize that when we were being taken from our room where Mommy was resting, that we wouldn’t see her again for such a long time.

We were on a new journey!  The corridor was long, the lights were bright, you did not seem happy when they unwrapped you and put you under a new type of light.  Many eyes peered at you and many hands probed you.  I was tucked under your blanket for a while so I couldn’t see what other things they did to you. But I could hear you, and I knew that you wanted to back to our room with Mommy.  How I wished I had long legs, or perhaps wings, that I could scoop you up and take us both back to our warm room on the third floor.  But I just have stubby feet and I don’t have wings.  I only had my colors to keep you happy and my soft body for you to rest your little hand on.  Which you did!
Many very important people came to talk about you, they seemed important because they all had tags and funny looking hats and long cords hanging off them.  They spoke in important voices and looked at you with such important glances.  I wanted to tell them how special you were.  You were not just any baby, you were Zachary Andrew Cayon!  I wanted to tell them how long we had waited for you, how I had guarded your dresser, right next to the shiny toy car and the white rocking horse!   I wished they knew how many people had planned for your arrival and how your three sisters, Cristie, Caren, and Catie were probably anxiously waiting to hold you….I wanted desperately for them to take us back to our family.

After many, many hours, they finally left you alone.  They put me right next to you, so when you turned your face you could see me and all my bright colors. Did you like the colors Zac?  I tried to make them as bright as I could…to cheer you up!  We were both sleeping when Mommy and Daddy were finally allowed to see us.  The medication they gave you made you sleepy.  I saw Mommy get close to our special crib and lean over, she studied your face and as she whispered your name, you opened your eyes and turned them in her direction. Did you see her tears, Zac? She tried to stop them, but they were falling too fast.  I could tell that Daddy really wanted to hold you, but all he could do was caress your back.  He didn’t know how to touch you, afraid that you might be in some kind of pain.  You were attached to so many tubes and you had a respirator that made a very scary noise.  We could tell that you were crying because of the expression on your face…but there was no sound coming out of your throat!

The next day we were taken to a different kind of room. They called it the “operating” room.  On the way there, Mommy and Daddy were waiting for us in the corridor; the same long, bright corridor that we had passed the day before.  They wanted to touch you, but the doctors were in a hurry.   Mommy and Daddy quickly walked next to us and stroked your back gently. At the end of the corridor were a big pair of double doors with a sign that read, “Doctors only”, Mommy and Daddy blessed you and saw us disappear into the next corridor.     We were now on our way to the room where the important looking people were all assembled.  It was so noisy in there.  People were all prepared for your arrival.  Your name was on everything. There were shiny objects, things that moved back and forth, surfaces that were polished to a shine that I had never seen!  But there were no bright colors, I was the only one!  I was there like a beacon for you, reminding you that soon we’ll be back in the warm room that we had come from.  Did you see me then, Zac?

Finally, after 5 hours, they finished their work on you!  I was so happy that it was over.  No one seemed to notice me Zac…only you did!  I was happy that for once I was not just a regular worm, I was an extraordinary wormy, because I comforted you during those first few days, when Mommy and Daddy weren’t able to!

We spent many days in a place called “NICU”.  Sometimes you would hug me; sometimes the nurses would put me on your back. Mommy thought this was so cute!  One time the nurses couldn’t believe how you would find me and use me to cuddle, so they took a picture of us like this, to show your Mommy and Daddy.  I was so happy that you found me during those lonely times in the NICU, when no one else was allowed in to see us.
When we finally went home, I could not believe what happened!  Mommy did not put me back on the dresser. She did not want me there any more, no sir!  Now I was able to sleep right next to you in your little bassinet.  I traveled with you in your diaper bag, when we went for doctor’s visits.  I even got a new wormy friend, one that takes over for me when I get dirty and need to be washed.
Five years has now passed and some would say you are too old for me.  But I don’t think so; I don’t believe that you can ever outgrow the love of a colorful friend who will look out for you.  I may not be able to fly, or sing, or even dance, but I will always be near you, Zac.  The time may come when one day, you will put me away on a shelf, if that happens, that’s ok.  I know that I have given you my best and I hope my bright colors will remind you of all the bright colors the world has yet to offer you!
Happy 5th birthday Zac…..I love you!

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